The Future Of Gene Therapy
Our Research, About US and Current Projects Formerly

What Is DNA Research Institute All About?
The Genome Revolution is here! Driven by advances in research and falling costs, scientists can target the genetic cause of disease and repair it at the source. With this discovery, it raises the possibility of curative treatments for afflictions like blindness and cancer. Today, gene therapy, editing, and cell engineering are changing the face of medicine.
DNA Research Institute is a DNA Gene Therapy research company that focuses on reducing a person’s Biological Age, Cancer Cell Necrosis, DNA Sequencing, and currently working toward a Gene Therapy that cures Auto-Immune Disorders. We offer whole genome sequencing and have invented what we believe will become one of the most important discoveries in Gene Therapy technology in our lifetime, reversing the aging process by turning back your DNA’s “biological clock”. What price tag would you put on going fishing with your Great Grand Children at 95 years old? Or having the energy that you did at 35 when you are 50 years old?
Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA is our genetic passport. Your DNA “Expresses” or instructs the Amino Acids in your body to produce proteins. These proteins influence your hormones, facial features, eye color, shape, hair, skin and instructs your major organs such as the Pancreas, Heart, Lungs, and Liver. There is not a system in your body unaffected by your DNA. (Continue Reading below)
There have been several attempts over the years, by many biotech companies to develop systems that would reverse time by lengthening these Telomeres and to no avail. ALL HAVE FAILED. Until NOW!!
(Want to learn more? Keep reading!!)

Our protocol is the result of nearly 20 years of incessant DNA research. In recent human trials, the results have shown a significant reduction in biological age, with no risk, no toxicity, and most importantly, no side effects. In short, we have discovered a way to reverse your DNA’s biological clock by 5 years and have successfully reversed some up to 20+ years.
Our proven, patented, proprietary system lengthens your telomeres thus restoring them beyond the Hayflick Limit. The result you will experience is simply amazing. Your DNA will perform how it did in the past, a much healthier, younger you!! This is not just about looking younger, although you will experience that, and it’s not about living forever. More so, it’s about returning you to a healthier, younger you and avoid living in poor health.
Once the new copy begins, the expression resets and you will likely experience enjoyment from activities and health you did in the past.
About Us
Our team at DNA Research Institute has a business office in West Palm Beach FL and all of research and treatments are performed in Central, and South America. We have assembled a team of innovative, creative, and educated researchers, scientists, and executives to create, analyze and implement some of the world’s most advanced Gene Therapy systems, Cancer research, and protocols in history. Our philosophy is focused on changing the world. We believe if we help others create a new lease on life, we can one day eradicate the planet from age-related diseases, and we hope you are part of that change by living a healthy, prosperous life.
Genome Medicine Is On Track To Hit $5 Trillion Total Addressable Market
Recent Studies
- Age Reversal
- Bone Density Improvement
- Skin Tightening
- Nano Sexual Enhancement
- Advanced Cancer Research
Client Top Pics
- Age Reversal
- Cancer Consultation
- Sexual Enhancement
- Age-Related Disease Prevention
- Rapid Fat Loss
- Increasing Physical Performance

Science Has Changed
Scientist are no longer talking of slowing down aging, but reverse aging. In what would have seemed Science Fiction five years ago is now reality. Since the human genome has been mapped, and we know how it controls aging, altering our DNA has become an easier task. Over time your cells will return to the younger age as well.

Physicians and Scientist Are Embracing Our Protocol
Physicians, Psychiatrists, and others in the medical sciences are starting to assess patients based not on their Chronological Age, but Biological Age. This makes sense, as a “Calendar Age” does not consider the damage to DNA or lack of damage individually. Backed by proven science, gene therapeutics is on the cutting edge of medical advancements worldwide.

Your DNA Is A Map Of Who You Are
Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA is who we are and the most important factor in aging. It’s the most important as its expresion creates who we are. Aging is Telomere shortening. With shorter Telemores DNA becomes weaker and frayed, and expression decreases, which is what aging is.
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(702) 900-9145
Office Location
701 S Olive Avenue, Suite 105,
West Palm Beach, Florida 33401
Open Hours
M-F: 10am - 5pm, S, 10am - 1pm